"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of
the Constitution so that the second will not become a legalized version of the first."
- Thomas Jefferson

Leon, Jefferson, Liberty, Wakulla, Gadsden & Franklin Counties:

Attention: The post below is a very old post and is no longer our monthly meeting place or time.  Our main monthly meetings are held at Talon Range at 5pm on the first Saturday of every month (usually in the classroom).  All are welcome to attend.  Bring a friend.  (Again, the post below is not current and is only where we first held our meetings.) 

 Our first multi-county Oath Keeper meeting will be at:

 7:00pm, Tuesday, January 7th, 2014.  

501 E. College Ave.  Tallahassee, FL 32301 

 (Park behind the building)

  As a rule, we'll be meeting at the same place, the same time, on the first Tuesday of every month, unless there's a change. (eg. New Year's Eve, etc). 

  To see the when, where and what, use the "Calendar" or "Get Updates" icon on the right side panel. >>

  This month will be an introductory meeting, so obviously, there are many specific items to discuss (to include your individual input).  With your participation, this'll be a formative and productive meeting as we begin working together on the operational Oath Keeper mission. 

  Among other issues on the agenda, we'll be discussing the recent conference call the Florida leaders had with Stewart Rhodes.  For instance, how we'll be taking positive peaceful action within our own communities, such as starting effective neighborhood watch groups that can be self-reliant in times of trouble/natural disaster (as opposed the present "top down" alternative that's proven ineffective at best).  In most every neighborhood, there already exists a variety of resourceful skill-sets and the genuine human desire to help each other.

  Bring a friend, preferably one with skills and ideas.  We'll have membership applications with receipts there if they want to join.  Membership is $40. 

  We'll have black, long sleeve Oath Keeper T-shirts, Florida versions of these.  (No, they're not free.  They make a little money for the chapter, but members do get a discount).  There's only one 2XL left, so the first member to show up and buy it takes it home.  Pocket Constitutions are two for a buck, but members can pick them up at just a quarter each (which is my cost).   

   We will have a pretty full agenda to cover, so please make sure you arrive on time.

See you all there,
Ivan, an oath keeper

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu