"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of
the Constitution so that the second will not become a legalized version of the first."
- Thomas Jefferson

 Leon Oath Keepers

Monthly Meeting

We will be meeting at the Talon Training Group classrooms
on  May 3, 2014 from  5 pm to 6 pm . 
Talon is located near the Midway / Quincy  I-10 exit .
Any questions call or text me @ 85O - 251 - 878O .
Bring a friend . I'll see you there . 
Tom .
Oath Keeper

Sheriff Mack

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

April 26, 2014

Dear Leon Oath Keepers,

In this letter: 
  • Sheriff Mack at the Bundy Ranch
  • When Media Dogs Attack 
  • A Letter of Support
  • CSPOA Jan 2014 Resolution Update 
  • Upcoming CSPOA Events 
Next CSPOA Convention:

Sept. 14, 2014
Arlington, VA

Sheriff Mack at the Bundy Ranch  
In our last newsletter we stated that Sheriff Mack was traveling with some others to offer support to the Bundy family at their Ranch in Nevada. OK, actually there was one place where we mistakenly said 'Brady' instead of 'Bundy' and believe us, our web guy heard from you about that one. Nothing this significant ever happened on an episode of 'The Brady Bunch'.  But we digress.  Here is Richard Mack's firsthand account of what occurred at the BUNDY Ranch.


The Bundy Siege Report:

As previously reported, I went to the Bundy Ranch last weekend. I was accompanied by my son Jimmy, Wendy Larchick (a lawyer) and her father Gale (a retired police officer). We all drove together from Mesa, Az to Bunkerville, NV. As we neared "ground zero" we became frustrated by the horrible stop-and-go traffic. While sitting on the I-15 freeway I received a call from one of our CSPOA members who had arrived the day before. He was on the front lines of the 150 or so crowd of men and women who were marching towards the makeshift BLM corral to free the Bundy cattle. Come what may, he and the others were determined to set the cattle free. This CSPOA member was a 15-year law enforcement veteran and understood the gravity of the situation in which he had voluntarily placed himself.

Judge Napolitano “Fearful” of What’s Coming Next in Bundy Dispute

  •   The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast
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Involvement of Harry Reid seen as ominous
Paul Joseph Watson
April 15, 2014

Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News today that he was “fearful” of what might happen next in the Cliven Bundy dispute, noting that Senator Harry Reid’s assertion that the situation is “not over” could be an ominous sign.

“I’m actually a little fearful because although the government appears to have backed down now, their local mouthpiece Senator Harry Reid said it’s not over,” said Napolitano, referring to comments Reid made yesterday.

Richard Mack Warns of Possible Raid

from benswann.com:
Sources Inside The BLM and Las Vegas Metro Say Feds Are Planning A Raid On Bundy Home

Ben Swann interviewing Sheriff Mack:


Bunkerville, NEVADA, April 14, 2014– As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.

Preliminary statement from Stewart Rhodes

Oath Keepers,

We need a presence there immediately to help prevent the feds sparking another Ruby Ridge or Waco incident in the Bundy stand-off.

Watch this:


Nevada State Rep. Michele Fiore (a strong patriot who has attended many of our meetings) is on site right now at the protest site outside the Bundy ranch, and she is helping us assemble a coalition of Nevada state legislators. We are also working with WA State Rep Matt Shea to put together a delegation of other Western State Representatives to go there to support Rep. Fiore and her coalition, and we are working with Sheriff Mack to bring a delegation of current serving CSPOA Sheriffs to stand vigil there. We need Oath Keepers to also show up and stand vigil and support this family and the patriot legislators and sheriffs who are taking the lead in defending them. This is critical. The goal is to stand vigil to prevent another Waco or Ruby Ridge, and to put pressure on the Nevada Governor to honor the oath he took by standing up for this family and for the state of Nevada.

I fly to Vegas tomorrow. Sheriff Mack is coming too, along with the current serving Sheriffs he is rallying to the cause.

All who can make it, need to be there. We need numbers - boots on the ground. The more the better.

For those who are coming, please rally at the public protest site near the ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada. To get there, take I-15 North, toward Mesquite, and get off at exit 112. Go right two miles (you can only go right). You will see tall flag poles and signs. Can't miss it.

Per Ammon Bundy, here are some rules:

First, NO MILITARY CAMMO. This is a protest by rural Americans. Dress accordingly. (from me: Oath Keepers can wear Oath Keepers polos if you have them, or OK T shirts, but please no cammo. Let's respect the Bundy family request).

No open carry of rifles. Any rifles people may have with them need to stay in the vehicles.

Action Alert: Boots On The Ground Need Donations for food and water at Bundy Ranch Standoff

As many of you have heard there is a standoff brewing in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch.  Oath Keepers is involved, as you’ll read in our article here -

A Delegation of state legislators, lead by Washington State Representative Matt Shea, along with a  delegation of current serving Sheriffs, lead by Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and military and police members of Oath Keepers, are converging on the site of a stand-off between federal law enforcement and Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy, to prevent bloodshed and to stand in defense of hardworking rural Americans who are under assault by a runaway federal government.

Oath Keepers is calling for Boots On The Ground. Because this is a federal incursion we are calling for volunteers from all over America. Anyone who can, please get to Nevada ASAP. Please see our press release at above link for details.  Stewart Rhodes is on a jet right now ( Thursday morning, April 10, 2014) and will arrive there this afternoon.  Early reports indicate a ground-swell of Patriots is building already on-site. This is a mobilization, with Sheriffs, Legislators, organization leaders, Patriots of all sorts, and especially Oath Keepers!, all showing up to stand united on the land.

Oath Keepers is asking all who cannot make the trip to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada to assist this mobilization by donating for food and water for the “Boots On The Ground” who will stand to oppose the idiocy of the BLM/federal government. Whatever you can send will be a blessing for the Patriots out there in the Nevada landscape. Just as in any military combat operation, the supply lines are extremely important for victory.  You are the logistical support for those on the front line. Please know that your generosity is as important as the presence of the Patriots who are standing out there on the land. And also remember, whether you can donate for the logistics or not, your prayers for our victory are also important. Spread the word. Share the link.
With Oath Keepers’ gratitude and appreciation, please pitch in here:

And don’t forget to read our press release in full -

God Bless America!
Elias Alias, editor (oathkeepers.org)