There are several reasons why the United States should withdraw from the
United Nations. One of our top reasons relates to protecting our
military forces. Why? Let’s explain.
Are you being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation because of your concerns about an overbearing government? The answer should be obvious given the nature of America’s budding
surveillance state and a new video shows just how far law enforcement
officials are willing to go to protect the Homeland from anyone who
engages in the dissemination of ideas that are counter to the official narrative. As you’ll see in the footage below, if you show concern or are
outspoken about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises, then you
may be getting a personal home visit from the FBI.
In September 2009, more than 4,000 police and National Guard
troops locked down Pittsburgh for the Group of 20 summit. Only one route
was open for travel.
The consequences and patterns of war,
whether by one nation against another or by a government against the
citizenry, rarely change. However, the methods of war have evolved
vastly in modern times. Wars by elites against populations are often so
subtle that many people might not even recognize that they are under
attack until it is too late. Whenever I examine the conceptions of
“potential war” between individuals and oligarchy, invariably some
hard-headed person cries out: “What do you mean ‘when?’ We are at war
right now!” In this case, I am not talking about the subtle brand of
war. I am not talking about the information war, the propaganda war, the
economic war, the psychological war or the biological war. I am talking
about outright warfare, and anyone who thinks we have already reached
that point has no clue what real war looks like.
The recent
exposure of the nationwide Jade Helm 15 exercise has made many people
suspicious, and with good reason. Federal crisis exercises have a
strange historical tendency to suddenly coincide with very real crisis
events. We may know very little about Jade Helm beyond government
admissions, claims and misdirections. But at the very least, we know
what “JADE” is an acronym for: Joint Assistance for Deployment and
Execution, a program designed to create action and deployment plans
using computer models meant to speed up reaction times for military
planners during a “crisis scenario.” It is linked with another program
called ACOA (Adaptive Course of Action), the basis of which is
essentially the use of past mission successes and computer models to
plan future missions. Both are products of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).