Success is measured in many ways. Our objective was to “keep the ball in
play and moving forward”. And we certainly did! Due to global warming
(or NOT) and the resulting cold weather, the Capitol Authorities moved
our event inside. This was hugely appreciated by all. We had over 150
attendees who were strongly committed to protecting our 2nd Amendment in every way possible, including State Sovereignty. The 11 speakers included keynote speaker Sheriff Richard Mack.
All the speakers (you can read more about each of them on the Florida Citizens’ Alliance website) were very well received. Each of them was a great messenger for liberty. We will be posting individual videos on our website as soon we can get them edited.
Multiple media folks also attended. We know the Rally was reported in
Naples on the 5 o’clock TV news and this morning in Hillsborough County
on the radio. Hopefully it was reported in your area as well.
The only two downsides were that Senator Greg Evers just didn’t show
(and didn’t offer a reason) and that Governor Scott was unable to talk
to us briefly when we stopped by his office. We were not able to
schedule an official meeting ahead of this event, but we did alert his
staff and hoped he would take 5 minutes to affirm his personal
commitment to the Second Amendment and State Sovereignty under our
All in all, the Rally exceeded most of our expectations, but our work continues. Rep. Dane Eagle has committed to file the 2nd
Amendment Preservation (2AP) bill in the House, consistent with the
content provided to him in September. Once done, we will need Senator
Evers to honor his commitment to file it in the Senate, or find a
Senator who will champion it. Go to our website and urge them to file 2AP now!
In your local counties/districts (once the bill is filed), we will be asking you to:
- Encourage your local legislators to co-sponsor the bill
- Meet with your sheriff to ask the simple question “Are you ready to stand for Liberty?”
We will also be asking you to reach out to key legislative Committee
Members and Chairs to support this bill. Lastly, we will need strong
attendance at the key committee hearings as they are scheduled.
We’ll continue to provide you with updates and contact tools on the Florida Citizens’ Alliance
website. Please forward this email to anyone you know who might be
willing to stand with us in support of this effort. Encourage them to
subscribe to our mailing list right there on the website’s home page.
Thank you for your support!