Joint LOK Statement on Sunday's senseless murders in Las Vegas
Officer Igor Soldo, 31
Officer Alyn Beck, 41
It's of note that Joe Wilcox previously applied to join the ranks LVMPD and that Sheriff Gillespie called him a hero because of how he chose to live just before his life was taken.
As to the immediate barrage of voices pointing to conspiracy that might've played a role in this catastrophe, the fruit will bear witness to the tree. We will keep open minds and consider the information, hype and spin we hear with healthy questioning attitudes.
Just because a person uses a flag, symbol or slogan does not mean they are the ambassador of anyone except themselves. This deranged couple do not represent the liberty movement -OR the Gadsden flag. We stand beneath our banners with our beliefs, allowing the fruit we bear to speak for who we are. We stand side by side with everyday citizens, with law-abiding law enforcement officers and any other public servants who choose to honor their oaths.
We are not predisposed to committing acts of violence against innocents and do not tolerate those that would use our good faith or name to do so. We have even less tolerance for these perpetrators when they use the same disgusting tactics that many of us have seen used by our enemies overseas.
Terror is the tactic of our foreign and domestic enemies who will twist any message of hope or symbol of liberty to achieve their agenda of having every free man, woman and child live on their knees, capitulating every facet of morality in order to accept any and every level of depravity.
Most of us have made the commitment to protect the innocent, which expressly means using any lawful and moral means to stop those such as these sick, suicidal murderers.
These two meth addicts were turned away at Bunkerville for good reason: they could not be trusted. As "wet firecrackers", they were and truly ARE the enemies of liberty. They exist in the same category as the oath-breaking policy-makers that use incidents like these as excuses to purposefully grow the paramilitary police state and total surveillance society.
1776 is slowly happening peacefully within the system, with successful non-violent struggle. So, the desperate enemies of liberty want civil war between the police and the rest of the community... to drive a wedge in our relationship of trust... to strike fear in police officers nationwide. This is a plan to slowly, but deliberately turn our own police against us. We have to work on building relationships and trust... to embrace the biblical faith and morals that was the cornerstone of America's exceptionalism. Simply put, we need to reach out more. Thank an officer for his service and foster good will.
With more responsibility (from each of us), less government and with God's help, we can get back a little Mayberry... instead of the Fallujah they're desperately pushing so hard for.
(850) 702-3720