"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of
the Constitution so that the second will not become a legalized version of the first."
- Thomas Jefferson

MARCH FOR THE CHILDREN on Thursday, March 5th, 2015

To All,
   Leon Oath Keepers (along with other Florida O.K. chapters driving to Tallahassee) will be actively supporting FCA again.  This time we'll be showing up in numbers in the fight against Common Core (now masquerading as "Florida Standards").  We'll be there alongside the community, from concerned families with their children to teachers (from all over FL); from "Progressive Democrats" to "The Tea Party Network" and more.  (THAT'S community!)  This is an exercise in action AS a community, as it's an issue that affects America's future directly.  You may pick your battles, but this is a fight WORTH fighting. 
   This is a genuine opportunity to reach out and help each other.   We want The People to realize their true power and act upon it, so let's encourage them with our support and comradery when they need it.  They're not asking for our money, but only our time.  Besides, we LIVE here while these folks are getting on buses from all over the state, all to send a message to government that they're NOT "on board" with the final annexation of America's education.  If we don't show up -if you don't show up, the politicians will assume you're on board with it enough to not show up. 

  Please spread the word and bring as many of your friends and families as you can.

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."  -Abraham Lincoln

In Liberty,
Ivan, an oath keeper

Here's a short video that gives an overview of the
"Local Education Empowerment Act" as well as the upcoming
"March for the Children" event on March 5, 2015.