"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of
the Constitution so that the second will not become a legalized version of the first."
- Thomas Jefferson

Baltimore: The HOW, WHO & WHY

As they often do, Infowars collected a lot of the key points and presented them well in the following newscast:

Operation Garden Plot of 1968 is very applicable to the Soros-backed civil unrest, Jade Helm 15 and our individually-affected futures.

Below is video evidence (no audio) that the 82nd Airborne occupied downtown Baltimore to quell the Baltimore riots of 1968 (a then blatant violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878). 

How many "Detroits" will we allow to be created before we wake up? 

As America falls, it is by the fault of each of us, individually.  Apathy... and the lack of Biblical morals (and the related personal responsibility) is the cause of America's demise.  We have a civic duty of which has been dangerously untaught in our government schooling and social engineering since 1903.  Should that be any surprise?  Still, the rotting apathy is stronger than most any American's sense of civic duty (if any exists at all).   

"Appraise war in terms of the fundamental factors. The first of these factors is MORAL INFLUENCE."

-Sun Tzu 


In that light, it's been almost comical to watch the Baltimore rioters taking turns with their "opponents" in losing moral high ground.  It's simply one failure of a decision after another.  It's all failure due to ignorance and worse.  

To go "forward", we must first go back to what made America exceptional: firm beliefs and educations in both Christianity and the science of government... so that we may preserve OUR OWN LIBERTY.  Who else would have any interest? 

Stop watching the lies and deception on cable/satellite TV.  Every second you watch damages your brain and soul (Fox News included).  Search for the truth online.  If you don't want to get off the couch, then get a Roku box and subscribe to PrisonPlanetTV.