"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of
the Constitution so that the second will not become a legalized version of the first."
- Thomas Jefferson


Easter Sunday March 27, 2016                                              by Ivan Chiplinsky

  All those who painstakingly honor their oaths to the Constitution through their actions are the true guardians of the republic (which is America’s intended form of government).  This is why the Oath Keepers organization (among many other constitutional Americans) ARE, decidedly: PRO-GOVERNMENT.  Some of us aren't consciously aware of it, but we should espouse it at every opportunity. 
Q: As defined in the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose of government?
A: The purpose of government to protect our God-given rights.    
  In America, it’s the citizenry (We The People) who instituted government for that specific purpose and are the ONLY source of gov’t power.   
  The Constitution limits the powers of the federal gov’t by carefully stating them, specifically in order to prohibit the federal gov’t from infringing (ie. impeding) upon our rights.  It gave us a small, purposefully inefficient federal gov’t -which was purposefully limited to inhibit the despotism of gov't.  As the SUPREME law of the land, the Constitution limits what the federal gov’t can do to ONLY what’s specifically stated in the Constitution -nothing more.  As the last of the Bill of Rights, the 10th amendment even stated this and further states that if ANY power is NOT in the specific wording of the Constitution, the federal gov’t CANNOT legally do that either (as those powers specifically belong to the states -or the people themselves).  
How can they keep doing this?  "Flag and voodoo", that's how.  However, it's NOT legal under the Constitution.
  In a free constitutional republic, legitimate gov’t CANNOT DO anything illegal, as that would certainly not be a legitimate act of gov’t.  However, if somebody working in some gov’t capacity DOES do something outside the law (most importantly: the supreme law of the land, to which they clearly DID swear or affirm a very specific oath to), then THAT ACT is committed not by “government”, but by a specific individual committing a specific crime.  There lies reasonable suspicion and probable cause for arrest and to try that person in a court of law and to be judged by a jury of their peers (specifically to protect the defendant’s rights).  Since the 1800's, We The People have turned a blind eye to these men (and now women) by not holding them accountable.  It is these government-hijacking criminals who are ANTI-GOVERNMENT. 

  Simply put, we want our law and order back.  From the top down, for generations, we've been given crime and tyranny and in turn, generations of law-abiding, moral Americans have not "rocked the boat".  The erosion of our rights over such a long period is clearly and solidly their fault, but it doesn't have to be ours.  We can choose to "rock the boat", to actively go out of our way to seek and spread a (now uncommon) education in reality -and to organize into an effective community again.  We must, or it will also be our fault, as it happened on our watch, too.  Again, we must sacrifice our time and effort to these ends or we should honestly inform our grandchildren how we failed them too. 
  John Adams, our 2nd President, is often quoted in his definition of our form of government (“a free republic”) being that of “a government of laws and not of men”.

 Keep in mind, it's not necessarily Obama or either political "party" that have been doing this, but the enemies of the Constitution that run our hijacked government.

Interestingly, the late Justice Antonin Scalia quoted Adams in the same vein:

Please, watch and share this video on the Constitution with others:
  Thank you for your valuable time.  If you'd like to organize back into an effective community that seeks to preserve the God-given rights of all the citizenry, feel free to stop by Talon Range on the 1st Saturday of every month at 5pm for a Leon County Oath Keepers "monthly meeting".  For more information, use the contact tab above.  Calls are always welcome.